Online Google Analytics 4 Course for beginners

Learn Google Analytics 4, work toward your goals and grow your website

Have you been watching youtube tutorials in order to understand Google Analytics 4? But no matter how hard you try, it just doesn’t ‘click’? Does it feel like you’re drowning in information, while others instinctively seem to know what their doing? 

My name is Leon Korteweg. I created Analytics Foundations to help you break through this invisible barrier. I’ll teach you a system that finally let’s you grasp Google Analytics 4 and helps you turn your web stats into growth insights.

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Analytics Foundations comes with a 60 days 100% money-back guarantee

Hey! My name is Leon Korteweg 👋🏻 

I'm an analytics consultant and trainer, helping organizations of all sizes turn their web stats into growth insights consistently.

Over the years I've trained hundreds of people from different backgrounds how to implement GA4 in their daily work

But It wasn’t always like that...

When I started out as a young web designer I actually ignored learning Google Analytics for a long time.

At that time Analytics felt like a sea of data to drown in. I didn’t know where to start. It felt like I needed years of training to make sense of it all. So I left it untouched.

Until one day a client called and said his orders had been in decline ever since I redesigned his site. 

I didn't understand why. I had poured everything into that site. It looked beautiful and I was so proud of the result.

Later I found out he lost all his hard-earned SEO traffic over a small technical glitch. And nobody noticed it until it was too late. 

I felt devastated.

If I had known what I know now, this would never have happened to me.

But I ignored Google Analytics because I thought it was too complicated for me and I didn't know where to start.

My vision behind Analytics Foundations

That's exactly why I made Analytics Foundations. I know many of you have postponed actually learning Google Analytics just like I did when I started. 

Nobody ever taught you how to use web stats in school. But now you're all of a sudden supposed to know how it all works. But.. you don't. 

I'm here to tell you that you're missing out! Learning GA4 will be one of the best decisions in your career! You will become so much better in your work. It will put you ahead of so many others.

The benefits of learning Google Analytics 4

Learning web analytics will lift your career to the next level. It will help you: 

  • Become more results driven in your work
  • Choose what to work on based on what bugs your site visitors (as opposed to just randomly start 'fixing' things on your site that may not even be broken)
  • Find errors on your site quickly
  • Make a case to your peers or leader and support your arguments with data
  • Get to know your site audience a lot better

Learning Google Analytics 4 doesn't have to be daunting

I know that learning Google Analytics 4 can be hard if you try to do this on your own. There is a lot of free information out there, but it is all very fragmented. It's hard to see how everything fits together. And there is nobody around to show you the ropes.

That's why I created Analytics Foundations. To help you get started with Google Analytics 4 and get results quickly. It's everything I wish I had when I started out as that young web designer.

What you will learn in this online Google Analytics 4 course

Analytics Foundations is the fastest way to get started and become productive with Google Analytics 4. You'll be able to implement GA4 in your daily work and turn web stats into growth insights consistently. 

This course focuses on a couple of key area's. After taking this course, you'll know:

  • How to create a measurement plan
  • How to setup GA4 without any outside help
  • How to monitor your website to see if you're 'winning' or 'losing'
  • How to use reports to improve traffic and conversions and how to get to know your audience (including the juicy reports like User Flows and Funnels)
  • How to write good reports quickly
  • How to build your own custom reports



Analytics Foundations - Table of Contents

The Analytics Foundations course is divided up into five different modules that build upon eachother in a logical order: 

What can you expect if you take this course?

You're going to get the same material that I've been teaching to hundreds of students for almost 10 years.  But, because this is an online course there are no time-constraints. I can give you a lot more than I usually can in a live training.

🔥 A course you want to finish

  • Contains around 30 digestible, bite-sized lessons to keep the momentum going.
  • Perfect pacing: Fast enough to keep you engaged, without getting you confused.
  • Encouraging and uplifting vibe throughout the course to keep you energized and motivated.

🎒 Fits in a busy schedule

  • Every lesson and topic is curated for getting results fast. No unnecessary bloat.
  • Bingewatch the course in about 8 hours. Or pick and choose lessons in your own order.

🎟️ Templates, frameworks and checklists included 

  • Every document, slide presentation and template in this training is included as a download to set you up for success.

🎥 Recorded with professional equipment

  • If you’re spending quite some time on a course it just helps if audio, video and lightning is done well 👌🏻 

Who should take this Google Analytics 4 course?

This course is designed for everybody that is working with a website and looking to get started using Google Analytics 4 to take their website to the next level.

This means all sorts of people: Managers, Business-owners, people in marketing or communications, web designers, web developers. It doesn't matter if you work at an agency or in-house. Even students or interns who need a bit of extra help with GA4. I honestly believe that everyone working with a website will benefit from taking this course.

This course is designed for al sorts of websites too: e-commerce, content, non-profit, government, recruitment. As long as you're looking to improve that site, this is the course for you!


When should you not take this course?

You should not take this course if you're looking for:

  • How to work with Google Tag Manager
  • How to set up Event Tracking
  • How to build automated dashboards with Looker Studio

Although these are valuable topics I believe these aren't needed to get started with GA4. If I had included them they would raise the barrier of entry to GA4. That's why I intentionally left these topics out. 

I might make follow-up courses on some these topics in the future though ;)

I also left out the more technical topics, like custom dimensions, User ID, BigQuery, etc. If you're looking for technical stuff, go and find a different program 👊🏻 

How much does Analytics Foundations cost?

People generally pay around €750 / day / student to get this material live. Companies pay me up to €2500 per day to let me teach this material to their teams. 

This program actually contains way more material than I could ever fit in a live program (because I had no time-constraints when recording).

On top of that, the material in this course will help you save money.

For example, in the second module I'm going to teach you how to set up Google Analytics, all by yourself. This means you don't necessarily have to hire an agency to set this up for you. This will save you up to €3200.

Because of all this I was tempted to set my price for Analytics Foundations somewhere between €1000 and €2000.

I really believe it's easily worth that much. 

But I also know that many of you are paying this out of your own pocket. And I wanted to make this material accessible to as many people as I can. That's why I landed on a total price of €195 for the entire program. That includes lifetime access, updates for life and acces to all bonus modules.

Get Analytics Foundations for just €195 and start the course immediately

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My 60-days 100% money-back guarantee

Because I believe in this program so much, I want to make things even easier for you. If you don't like it, e-mail me within 60 days and I'll refund 100% of the cost. 

That's right: You can try the course for 60 days, watch all the material. And if for some reason it's not what you expected, I will refund you immediately.  No questions asked, no hard feelings.

Analytis Foundations comes with the following Exclusive Bonus Content

On top of the modules we have already covered, Analytics Foundations includes SEVEN bonus workshops at no extra cost. 

You're seconds away...

After you're purchase you will get access to my private members area where you will find the entire Analytics Foundations program. You will be able to start watching video's immediately!

You can take the course on any device, mobile, desktop or tablet. If you have internet access, you'll be able to access the course.

See you on the inside!

Get Analytics Foundations for just €195 and start the course immediately

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